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This is Julio Gómez Perretta, studyed architecture in the higher technical school of architecture of Madrid, founded the firm Perretta arquitectura in the early eighties and began his professional career designing a residential building on Blasco de Garay street, in the Argüelles neighborhood of Madrid. A building that will be collected in the book on Madrid Architecture of the eighties.

After a few years of success in the capital, he moved the office to the east coast.

A period of great activity begins in which the project and work of the new Health Center of Sueca and the first public promotion of the Municipal Housing Company of Paterna, the Miraflores building next to the new courts of the town, stand out.

The residential work, especially of single-family house, where the firm Perretta architecture has stood out continuously during these thirty years of professional activity. More than 80 single-family homes built in Las Rozas de Madrid, Jávea, Oropesa del Mar, Torre en Conill (Betera)…

Perretta has also built my house that is why I have choosen him

In terms of different opinions Perretta has achieved really good reviews. As he has made a lot of houses, some of the ones he has built are from friends of mine, as I said before he has also built my house. Almost everyone has the same thoughts about his work. They all say he is a very good exteriorist which makes very beautiful houses according to peoples style. I really like its designs he has a very good concept of a good looking house.

One of his phrases that represents his style is “We try not to make an artifact but a simple and clean building, without boasting.”

He has done very important proyects one of the most famous is “La torre de francia” in valencia.

Step 2:


The main purpose of the author Antonio Campo Baeza in this book is to show and explain the role of the arquitect on its works in a very detailed way.

The way in which he explains how being an arquitect is, is very unpartial because with his words he can inspire a child, an arquitect, an older men/woman…

What Baeza explains is than an arquitect is an artist a dreamer and a technician

In my opinion this book made me think about my profesional career. Since I was little I enjoyed visiting my house while it was being built and tend to ask some questions of its shape and organisation.

While I became older (10/12 years) I strated sketching houses for hobby.

After it I started to be more and more interested in being an arquitect so I started following instagram accounts from some arquitects and finaly I began this degree


PORTFOLIO | Nuestros proyectos | Perretta Arquitectura
